The pictures speak for itself. M.L. Nuttagone once said Bangkokians were stupid to vote for Rosana as Bkk's MP. Now it fires back to him.
Find Other Sides of Thai Politic. Update you on the political turmoil in Thailand.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Before Bangkok Election 2009
Thursday, December 25, 2008
[Fwd: FW: จม. ถึงนิตยสาร ��อเชียน วอลล์ สตรีท ชี้แจงเรื่อง��ถานการณ์ของไทย]
Sent: 22 December 2008 11:36
Subject: Fwd: Fw: จม. ถึงนิตยสาร เอเชียน วอลล์ สตรีท ชี้แจงเรื่องสถานการณ์ของไทย
ขอบพระคุณในความกล้าหาญของ อาจารย์ประสิทธิ์ ฟูตระกูล
และคนไทยทุกท่านครับ จดหมายของอาจารย์เป็นตัวอย่างที่ดี
ในการแก้ความเข้าใจผิด ทั้งที่เจตนาหรือไม่ก็ตาม
ดนัย จันทร์เจ้าฉาย
With best regards,
Danai Chanchaochai
DC Consultants and Marketing Communications Ltd.
Amarin Plaza , Level 22, 496-502 Ploenchit Road , Lumpini, Pathumwan,
Bangkok 10330
Direct Line: (662) 610 2356 Tel: (662) 610 2364-5 Fax. (662) 610 2345-6
เรียน ทุกท่าน
เพื่อสร้างภาพพจน์ใน เชิงบวกแก่คุณทักษิน
สื่อต่างประเทศนี้ไม่ได้มีเฉพาะ Asian Wall Street
Journalแต่ยังปรากฏในสื่อต่างประเทศอื่นๆอีกหลายชนิด แม้แต่วารสาร
National Geographic ฉบับเดือนพฤศจิกายนนี้
ก็ยังมีถ้อยคำพาดพิงในเชิงลบถึงการปฏิวัติในประเทศไทยเมื่อ 2 ปีก่อน
ปรากฏการณ์การกระพือข่าว(ส่วนมากลบ)นี้ เกิดขึ้นในเวลาถี่มากจนผิดสังเกต
และสถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์ การตอบโต้ไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้อารมณ์
หรือต้องใช้คำพูดที่รุนแรง แต่ต้องยึดมั่นในเหตุผล ความจริงมีที่มาที่ไป
โดยปราศจากจุดอ่อนที่จะโต้แย้งได้ ดังตัวอย่างของจดหมายจาก อ.ประสิทธิ์
ฟูตระกูล ที่ได้เขียนตอบโต้บทความใน AWSJ เมื่อวันที่ 16 ตุลาคม
เมื่อท่านอ่านจดหมายตอบโต้ของอาจารย์ฯ แล้ว กรุณาส่งต่อ
นพ.เกรียง ตั้งสง่า
31 October 2008
Dear Sir,
In response to your article in October 16 AWSJ which was brought to
my attention recently, I would like to clarify a few points and
explain to you some facts pertinent to the present Thai political
turmoil. I am a 70 year old doctor with no political connections or
positions but with an absolute loyalty to the King. Proper
understanding and support from friends abroad will help Thailand
through these difficult times. Your opinion and assessment reflected
in that article deserve to be modified in the lights of the
following information I am privileged to share with you. I have always
held your publication in high regards and hope this information will
help the AWSJ maintain its unbiased position.
1. The King is indeed revered by Thai people. He has now recovered
from his illness and regained his former health. The photograph in
your article was taken the day he left hospital over a year ago and
I regret that it may be misleading. He has appeared in public on
numerous occasions since then..
For a more recent photograph, you may consider accessing the
archives of many local newspapers including the Bangkok Post. I am
sure that will better reflect his true state of health.
2. The law against offending the monarchy has been in our
constitution for over 75 years since the era of constitutional
monarchy began. Our King rules or exercises his power through
parliament, government, and the courts of law. These three
institutions have provided check and balance necessary to run the
country for 'the benefits of all Thai people' as proclaimed by the
King on his coronation over 60 years ago that ' I shall rule with
righteousness for the benefit of Thai people '.
3. In all these years, there was hardly any incidence of lese
majeste.. Those found guilty had received royal pardons, some after a
short time in jail. One of those is now a prominent member of the
now ; dissolved party headed by a former prime minister, Dr.Thaksin
Shinawatra. Banned from being involved in any political activities,
this man still runs a nightly television program on a government
channel attacking political opponents and organizing political
rallies that might escalate into widespread unrest in many parts of
the country.
4. Since Dr. Thaksin first became prime minister over 6 years ago,
there have been noticeably more cases of lese majeste. Most recent
ones were quoted in your article involving a former minister in a
Thaksin cabinet who took an oath of allegiance to the King before
taking office. Another one> was a female political activist who
committed the offence during a rally organized by Dr.Thaksin's
supporters. The last one was a man who refused to stand up while the
Royal Anthem was being played in a cinema, claiming human rights. All
three are being investigated before prosecution.
5. You will agree that we all have our rights but those rights
must be exercised within the boundaries of the laws. Foreign
visitors have always respected our laws as I expect you will do
should you visit our country. We Thais respect the laws of the
countries we visit without any exception or pay the price of not
doing so.
6. For your information, Thailand 's parliamentary democracy is
only 76 years of age and a lot of people do not understand its true
meaning nor do they understand their rights and responsibility
according to the constitution. A deliberate misunderstandi ng seems
to prevail among most politicians that being elected means a
privilege to positions of power and financial gains through corrupt
7. Mr. Thaksin's rise to power opened up an era of corruption the
magnitude of which has never been seen before. Populist policies,
conflict of interests in businesses, tax evasion, undisclosed share
holdings, money laundering and sacrificing national interests for>
business gains have all destroyed Thai society's moral values.
8. This slippery slope towards "absolute oligarchy" was slowed
down in September 2006 when Dr. Thaksin was ousted from power before
he could continue to undermine the monarchy by parliamentary
9. Throughout all this, Thailand 's fragile democracy (according to
you) has been held together by the King's infinite tolerance, wisdom,
and forgiveness. The cash rich populists you mentioned has seized the
present turmoil to completely polarize Thai society, destabilize our>
economy, and undermine the monarchy.
Your article may have misled a lot of people both at home and
abroad. Genuine concerns may lead to violent confrontations and
anarchy. Then will be the time that the so called cash rich populists
will claim legitimacy in taking over the country for their own gains.
Those promises to our honest, peaceable and hard working farmers and
industrial workers will soon be forgotten. Financial credibility,
business sector's integrity and the professionali sm of our civil
servants will rapidly decline. All because of the complete disregard
for moral values and responsibility of most politicians presently in
power and backed by money from abroad.
I hope my opinion as outlined above will receive due attention and
past on to the public in a responsible way that is expected of a
respectable publication such as AWSJ. I look forward to receiving
your early response.
Yours sincerely,
Prasit Futrakul
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Latest Chinese tests find 12 per cent of milk products tainted
Latest Chinese tests find 12 per cent of milk products tainted
By Deutsche Presse Agentur
Beijing - Chinese authorities found an industrial chemical
contaminating 12 per cent of dairy samples in the latest of a series of
tests it is conducting after tainted milk products began sickening
babies, a news report said Wednesday.
The latest tests showed 31 of 265 batches of dairy products tested contained melamine, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
President Hu Jintao vowed the government would provide better
oversight of the dairy industry on a visit to two dairy firms in
east-central China.
"Food safety is directly linked to the well-being of the broad
masses and the competence of a company," Hu said in Anhui province,
according to state media reports. He added that the country needed to
learn from the scandal of melamine-contaminated dairy products.
Melamine - which is used to produce fertilizers, pesticides and
plastics - was first discovered in baby formula last month when infants
began coming down with kidney problems. Four have died and 53,000 have
been made ill. About 10,000 remain in hospital.
The chemical is added to low-quality or watered-down milk to boost its protein content and fetch a higher price.
Agriculture Minister Sun Zhengcai promised that the government
would establish uniform supervision of all milk-procurement stations in
the country.
"We will examine each and every milk procurement station and stamp out the practice of adding melamine to fresh milk," he said.
Chinese authorities began testing baby formula and then expanded
their testing for melamine to fresh milk, yogurt and other dairy
Nearly a million tests have been conducted, and more than 8,200
tons of milk products removed from circulation. Two dozen milk firms
have been affected.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Another Sad Day of Thailand
Polices use force to remove protesters.
It's time to end corrupted police state and corrupted government.
Labels: Corruption, Justice, PAD, Politics
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The government in Thailand faces serious urban unrest
The government in Thailand faces serious urban unrest

Labels: Corruption, PAD, Politics, Thaksin Corruptions
Under siege
The government in Thailand faces serious urban unrest
WHEN Thailand’s controversial former prime minister, ThaksinShinawatra, fled to Britain this month with his wife, Potjaman, to
escape corruption cases against them, some Thais hoped that this would
bring down the temperature of the country’s three-year political
conflict. But an anti-Thaksin street-protest movement, the People’s
Alliance for Democracy (PAD), insisted that it would not give up until
it forced the resignation of the pro-Thaksin government, led by the
prime minister, Samak Sundaravej. On Tuesday August 26th tens of
thousands of PAD supporters stormed government buildings and a state
television station in Bangkok, in what the group’s leader, Sondhi
Limthongkul, billed as “judgment day”.
As night fell in Bangkok the protesters were still surrounding
Government House. Mr Samak gave a warning that his patience with them
was almost exhausted. But they ignored his demand that they get out of
the government compound. The police said they would be seeking a court
order on Wednesday to let them remove the protesters. Mr Sondhi, with
his usual bravado, said they would have to kill him first.
What happens next is hard to predict. Mr Sondhi has said things like
this before only for the protests to fizzle. Likewise, Mr Samak has
talked of using force to end demonstrations, only to back down. But if
the police do use force there is a danger of bloodshed. This may be the
PAD leaders’ intention, so as to provoke the army into staging another
coup, like the one in 2006 that removed Mr Thaksin.
The army chief, General Anupong Paochinda, insisted on Tuesday that
his troops would leave the matter to the police. But the army has
historically had a low tolerance for public disorder and sees itself as
having a duty to intervene in such situations, regardless of whether
this means removing an elected government. Two years ago General
Anupong’s predecessor, Sonthi Boonyaratglin, had kept repeating that
there would be no coup right up until the evening that he put tanks on
the streets to remove Mr Thaksin’s government.
Mr Thaksin’s Thai Rak Thai party was disbanded in May 2007 but
regrouped under the banner of the People’s Power Party (PPP). In
December last year, after 15 months of inept and increasingly unpopular
military government, the PPP won by far the most seats in a general
election, since when it has governed in coalition. Rural Thais, in
particular, expressed their continued appreciation to Mr Thaksin’s
party for being the first in Thai history to deliver policies that met
their needs, such as cheap health care and credit. This inclined them
to overlook the strong whiff of corruption that surrounded the Thaksin
government, and its abuses of power, most notably a 2003 “war on drugs”
in which the police were suspected of thousands of extra-judicial
Mr Samak is so far determined to resist the pressure and stay in
office. He has sought to build bridges with the army and the royalist
Bangkok establishment. He recently appointed as foreign minister Tej
Bunnag, a palace adviser seen as especially close to King Bhumibol. The
PAD gets its supporters to dress in yellow, the king’s colour, and
claims to be saving Thailand and the monarchy from the Thaksinites’
supposed republicanism—though no credible evidence of this has
surfaced. Some of its supporters are genuine liberals, angry at the
Thaksin government’s abuses and at the signs Mr Samak and his cabinet
are turning out to be little better. But the movement’s leaders are
deeply reactionary: the “new politics” that they have been preaching is
in fact a return to old, pre-democracy politics with a mostly unelected
parliament and powers for the army to intervene when it feels like it.
With not much sign of compromise so far, there is not only the risk of
bloody clashes between the PAD and the police, there is also the danger
that Mr Thaksin’s supporters will hit the streets to attack his
opponents. There was a foretaste of this in late July when Thaksin fans
armed with clubs and axes attacked a demonstration by his opponents in
the north-eastern city of Udon Thani, injuring around a dozen.
Unsurprisingly, Thailand’s stockmarket and currency have wilted in the
heat of a conflict that shows no sign of ending.
Labels: Corruption, PAD, Politics, Thaksin Corruptions
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Who is the real 'Revenue Department'? : Anand
Who is the real 'Revenue Department'? : Anand
Anand Panyarachun, chairman of the board of Siam Commercial Bank(SCB), said the bank was ready to transfer Bt12 billion of the
Shinawatra children's money to the authorities if ordered to do so, but
meanwhile he is wondering who the actual Revenue Department is.
"We're ready to follow instructions from the authorities, but two
orders currently contradict each other. We need the authorities to tell
us exactly what to do," he said.
The Assets Examination
Committee (AEC) has ordered a freeze on Bt76 billion belonging to the
Shinawatra family, pending charges against ousted prime minister
Thaksin Shinawatra for alleged unusual wealth and abuse of power. In a
letter dated last Friday and signed by Revenue Department deputy
directorgeneral Asadang Srisupraphand, the department said it would
like the bank to transfer Bt12 billion to it in case it wins the tax
case against Panthongtae and Pinthongta.
Sanit Rangnoi was not in Thailand on the day the letter was sent to
SCB. He is believed to oppose asking for SCB to unlock the Shinawatras'
Some local newspapers have speculated that if
Panthongtae and Pinthongta receive a favourable ruling from the Tax
Appeal Committee, they can get their money back from the Revenue
Department if SCB releases it.
"If you have any problem,
you can ask [directorgeneral Sanit], because right now I also don't
know who the real Revenue Department is. You must ask the
directorgeneral of the Revenue Department, not me," Anand told
Meanwhile, to play it safe SCB will continue to
freeze Panthongtae and Pinthongta's deposits. The board met yesterday
to consider the legalities of the case and will meet again on Thursday.
It has also asked for legal opinions from the National Counter
Corruption Commission, the Administrative Court and the Office of the
Revenue Department spokesman Satit
Rangkasiri was assigned by Sanit to come out and speak. Satit said by
asking SCB to release Panthongtae and Pinthongta's frozen assets, it
was following tax law.
"If we don't proceed as tax law requires us to, we could be held responsible for failing to do our duty," said Satit.
department wants to treat each taxpayer equally, as per its usual
practice. If the department did not seek release of the frozen assets,
a tax penalty of 1.5 per cent a month would accrue to the two
taxpayers, he said.
He said the department would wait for an answer from SCB before deciding on its next move. Corruption, Politics
Protesters try to seize NBT station on Vipavadi road
Protesters try to seize NBT station on Vipavadi road
Protesters block entrance of National Broadcasting Telelvision station on Vipavadi Rangsit Road on Tuesday.
Police detained on Tuesday a group of protesters who tried to seize an NBT television station on on Vipavadi Rangsit Road.
The attempt took place at about 5.30am when there are a few staffs of the NBT at that moment.
The group, comprising about 20 men, covered their faces with black pieces of cloths and dressed in black t-shirt and jeans.
Two NBT television hosts said in a news television programme at
about 6.10am that police found a handgun and long knives from the group.
The group also broke a glass door in their way to go to the
station's building. They separated into several groups and went into
the station. NBT staffs were told to leave the office.
Police are interrogating the group. One of them was Nitirat
Sapsomboon. Police brought the protesters who had weapons to a police
station while searching for protesters who might hide in the office.
Main protest will go to the Government House where Samak Cabinet will meet in its weekly meeting. PAD
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Is Pojaman seeking asylum overseas?
Is Pojaman seeking asylum overseas?
Education Minister Somchai
Wongsawat, brother-in-law of the former premier Thaksin Shinawatra,
said yesterday he didn't believe Thaksin and Pojaman would flee
overseas, but he said he never talked to them about their plans.
"They are Thai people so they must live in Thailand. Why do they have
to seek asylum? I am confident they will not seek asylum," said
Somchai, who is also a deputy prime minister.
Pojaman, wife of the former PM, flew to China with her adopted brother
and secretary on Tuesday amid rumours they would seek "political
asylum" abroad.
Pojaman, Bhanapot Damapong and Kanchanapa
Honghern quietly left Thailand at 10.40am from Suvarnabhumi Airport in
Bangkok to Beijing on Tuesday.
They were seen to carry several bags with them. Some of her three children broke down in tears as they saw her off.
have been rife that they would flee abroad after the Criminal Court
sentenced the Pojaman, her brother and secretary to three years jail
after finding them guilty of seeking to avoid paying tax of Bt546
million on a share deal in the late 1990s.
The Supreme
Court's Criminal Division for Political Office-Holders has summonsed
both Thaksin and Pojaman, who are defendants in a trial over the
purchase of a prized block of land on Ratchadaphisek, to give final
testimony Monday.
So there is renewed interest over
whether the pair, particularly Pojaman, will return for the case. The
court is due to give its verdict on the Ratchada case on Sept 16.
has been expected to return from China on Sunday. He flew to Japan on
August 1 to give a special lecture, and was reportedly due to attend
the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing, today.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pojaman released on bail
Pojaman released on bail
Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra and two other defendants in a tax evasioncase were released on bail after the Criminal Court found them guilty.
her brother Bhanapot Damapong and Kanchanapa Honghern were released
after each post assets worth Bt5 million as guarantee.
Labels: Corruption, Justice, Politics, Thaksin Corruptions
Court sentences Pojaman to three years in jail
Court sentences Pojaman to three years in jail
Court said Pojaman should have served as society's good example
The Criminal Court on Thursday found wife of ousted prime
minister Thaksin Shinawatra, guilty of intentionally avoiding tax
payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5 million shares of the
Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares worth Bt738 million.
Found guilty in the same charges were her adopted brother; Bannaphot Damapong and her secretary Pennapa Honghern.
The Court sentenced Khunying Pojaman, Bannaphot to a total of three
years in jail; two years for the charges relating to the conspiracy to
evade tax and one year for giving falsified statements. Pennapa faces
two years in jail.
The Court said the three defendants had committed serious crimes and
filed false statements with the government agencies in order to avoid
paying taxes. They intended paying taxes despite that they were rich
The court ruled that the prosecution's evidence was solid and
indisputable. The three suspects were found guilty of fraud or
collaboration to evade taxes.
In addition, Pojaman and Bannapot were also found guilty of filing
false claims and presenting false evidence to the authorities with
intention to avoid paying taxes.
The court also reprimanded Pojaman in particular, saying that with
her high economic, social and political status - especially her status
as wife of the then county leader - she should have acted as good
example to society.
The Criminal Court rules out every defence
argument on the tax evasion case as insubstantial in rebutting the
prosecution evidence.
The court says the prosecution has proven beyond reasonable doubt
that the defendants committed a conspiracy to evade tax. The ruling
says Pojaman and Bhanapot made the shares transfer in the stock market
in order to avoid tax liabilities even though there was no real
Bhanapot admits Pojaman gave shares to him and the court finds this is not a family gift.
The ruling is addressing a key legal issue whether the three
defendants intentionally gave falsified statements to the authorities
in order to avoid tax liabilities.
The charges were from from transaction, which took place in November
1997, come under the criminal codes of Article 37 (1) (2) of the
Revenue Code. Violation of this law is punishable with a fine of
between Bt2,000 and Bt200,000 and a jail sentence of between three
months and seven years. A multiple violation of this law will result in
a jail sentence of not more than 20 years.
The Office of the Attorney General filed the suit on March 26 last
year, summoning more than 30 prosecution witnesses to testify including
Sak Korsaengruang, spokesman of the nowdefunct Assets Examination
Committee who chaired the AEC panel that probed the accusation of tax
evasion, and former Finance Ministry permanent secretary and former
directorgeneral of the Revenue Department Suparat Kawutkul.
The three defendants denied the charges and almost 20 defence witnesses testified in the case.
Source: Corruption, Justice, Politics, Thaksin Corruptions
Court found Pojaman guilty of tax evasion
Court found Pojaman guilty of tax evasion
10.45am : Pojaman and her family
leave the court house. Former premier Thaksin and his children looked
serious while his wife smiles.
10.47am :
The Criminal Court on Thursday found Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra guilty
of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of Bt546 million for the
transfer of 4.5 million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and
Communications' shares worth Bt738 million.
Also found guilty in the historic trial are Pojaman's adopted
brother Bannaphot Damapong and her personal secretary Kanchana Honghern.
The court sentenced Pojaman and Bannaphot each to 3 years in jai.
10.20am : The court judges are still reading the verdict. All Shnawatra family appear to look tense.
9.10am : Criminal Court judges start reading the verdict.
8.40am : Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra arrives at the
Criminal Court. She is accompanied by her husband; former prime
minister Thaksin, and her children.
They are greeted by cheering crowds.
8.30am : Separate groups of people arrive at the Criminal Court as the Court is scheduled to start delivering verdict on 9.30am.
Some 200 police are on duty to provide security. Those who wanted to enter the court house have to pass metal detectors.
10 am: The court is still reading the historic verdict. Thaksin and his children look extremely tense and worried.
Source: Corruption, Politics, Thaksin Corruptions
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Big boss may override reshuffle
Big boss may override reshuffle
It is true that money and the bargaining power of political factions always influence the allocation of ministerial posts.
Minister Samak said he would reshuffle his Cabinet at the end of the
month after the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office
Holders rules on whether to accept the case concerning irregularities
in the two- and three-digit lotteries scheme, submitted by the Assets
Examination Committee on July 28.
If the case is accepted,
three ministers - Surapong Suebwonglee, Uraiwan Thienthong and Anurak
Jureemas - may have to be suspended. However, should this be the case,
the ministers plan to seek a Constitution Court ruling on whether they
have to be suspended.
The reshuffle could create some
chaos. No one wants to be ousted or shifted from their posts,
especially those ministers who are also leaders of factions.
Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who may move to the Justice or Public
Health posts, has tried to forge an alliance with Northeast MPs,
excluding Newin Chidchob's faction. Bangkok MP Sudarat Keyuraphan's
faction is another Chalerm target.
Chalerm has
reportedly told Samak that if he is removed from the Interior
portfolio, he will only accept the post of justice minister.
reportedly did not want to lose any of his four ministerial seats,
filled by Deputy Education Minister Pongsakorn Annopporn, Deputy
Agriculture Minister Theerachai Saenkaew, Deputy Transport Minister
Songsak Thongsri and Deputy Interior Minister Supon Fongngam.
eyes are on Samak, as he vowed he would reshuffle his Cabinet a second
time to improve the government's image. He said he would appoint
outsiders to some posts, regardless of faction quotas.
Does Samak have the power to do that?
fact, since Samak became prime minister the real power of the People
Power Party (PPP) and the government appears to be in the hands of "the
big boss", the real owner of the party.
Also, as long as
money still feeds party members, financiers and leaders of the factions
will continue to play a vital role in appointing Cabinet members.
Samak really cuts the quota from the financiers and the factions, who
will take care of party MPs?" a source from the PPP said.
said the parties had asked their ministers to allocate the
responsibility of overseeing party MPs in order to avoid a
concentration of MPs under any particular party.
The source said the big boss would be the one who has the final say in this reshuffle.
"At most, Samak can only float his idea through the media. Every decision will depend on the big boss," he said.
For these reasons, perhaps Samak will have to eat his words again.
Source: reshuffle on tract: Samak
Cabinet reshuffle on tract: Samak
Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej on
Wednesday confirmed that the Cabinet line-up would be submitted for
royal endorsement regardless of the departure of Puea Pandin Party
leader Suwit Khunkitti.
Samak did not go into the details of the new line-up. He earlier
said the list of the Cabinet appointments would be forwarded to the
Royal Palace this morning and the announcement would be made in a few
Earlier the day, Samak appeared at a loss for word by
saying he could not comment at this juncture on why Puea Pandin Party
leader Suwit Khunkitti abruptly withdrew from the coalition alliance on
Tuesday's evening.
Samak refused to confirm or deny that he was about to remove Suwit
from the Cabinet line-up and that he allocated only one ministerial
seat under the Puea Pandin quota.
Supreme Court decides to consider the Exim Bank loan case against Thaksin
Supreme Court decides to consider the Exim Bank loan case against Thaksin
The Supreme Court ruled on
Wednesday to consider the Exim Bank loan case filed by Assets
Examination Committee against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
accused Thaksin of abusing his position to order a Bt1 billion increase
in the amount of loans to Burma, allegedly for the benefit of his
family's satellite and broadband businesses.
A total of
Bt4 billion was extended to the Burmese government to improve its
infrastructure and telecom sector in 2004. This came with the condition
that the Burmese government purchase materials from the Shinawatra
family's Shin Corp.
This is a third graft case linked to
Thaksin. His first litigation is the Ratchadapisek land case and the
second is the lottery case.
Labels: Corruption, Justice, Thaksin Corruptions
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tensions rise on Thai-Cambodia border after arrests
Tensions rise on Thai-Cambodia border after arrests
By Deutsche Presse Agentur
Penh - Around 40 armed Thai border police crossed the Cambodian border
into Preah Vihear temple after Cambodian authorities arrested three
Thais, alarming tourists and sparking urgent talks between the two
sides, authorities said Tuesday.
Soth, secretary-general of the government's Preah Vihear authority,
said the armed group arrived after Cambodian soldiers had detained two
Thai border guards and a Thai Buddhist monk.
He said the
arrested trio had been warned first but continued and were detained on
suspicion of planning to demonstrate the listing of Preah Vihear temple
as a UN World Heritage Site.
Cambodia was now preparing to
repatriate them and they would be returned some time Tuesday, he said,
but added that tensions had risen considerably after the armed border
guards arrived in support.
State-run Thai TV PBS identified the three arrested as Phicharn Thapsorn, 35, Chanikarn Singnok, 64, and Buddhist Monk Khamphor.
the arrests, around 40 black uniformed Thai border guards with guns
arrived at the temple and scared tourists with their weapons," Hang
Soth said by telephone.
He said most of them had now
returned to the Thai side of the border voluntarily. Cambodia has had
riot police and military on standby at the temple since Thai protests
The arrested group had crossed in to Preah Vihear
province, Cambodia, from the Thai Khantalak district in Si Sa Khet
province on Monday, the TV station said.
Preah Vihear
temple, known as Phra Viharn in Thailand, was named a World Heritage
Site at a UNESCO meeting in Quebec earlier this month, despite Thai
opposition to the listing.
The ancient Hindu temple,
perched on a 525-metre-high cliff on the Dangrek Mountain range that
defines the Thai-Cambodian border, has been the source of a sovereignty
dispute for decades.
An ownership spat between Cambodia
and Thailand led to a suspension of diplomatic relations in 1958 and
eventually ended up in The Hague for an international settlement in
1962. Cambodia won.
The temple reemerged as a source of
bilateral tensions in 2006 when Cambodia first proposed listing the
monument as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
objected, and succeeded in blocking the subscription attempt in 2006
and 2007 on the grounds that parts of the temple compound were still
subject to a border dispute.
Cambodia redrew the Preah
Vihear inscription map this year, excluding the disputed territory. It
was approved by the World Heritage Committee on July 7.
The Thai government at first backed the proposal, but then withdrew support when the issue became a political hot potato.
of Si Sa Khet province, about 400 kilometres north-east of Bangkok,
have been protesting the listing since early July, prompting Cambodia
to shut access to the temple from the Thai side of the border.//dpa
PPP attacks Democrats, senators and Banharn
ruling People Power Party has asked the Election Commission to remove
28 Democrats and 33 senators from office for alleged breach of the
Constitution because they own stocks in telecom, media and other firms
that hold government concessions.
PPP deputy spokesman Suphachai Jaisamut filed the complaint with
the EC yesterday by producing a list of MPs and senators holding stocks
in companies that operate businesses that have state concessions.
Article 48 of the Constitution prohibits political
office-holders from holding shares in telecom and media companies,
while Article 265 bars them from holding stakes in companies that enjoy
government concessions.
Supachai said he had obtained the list of MPs and senators from
their personal assets declarations filed with the National Counter
Corruption Commission when they assumed office.
Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban admitted he held
5,000 shares worth Bt50,000 of telecom firm True Corp, which he bought
from the stock market.
"They have to conduct the investigation because I bought these
stocks from the stock market at only Bt50,000. My stocks are worth
little. It should not be a problem," Suthep said.
Seri Suwanphanond, one of the authors of the 2007 Constitution,
said Article 48 of the charter bars political office-holders from
holding, directly or indirectly, even one stock in a media company.
"Violating it would affect their political status. The EC must
determine this matter. If the politicians think otherwise, the
Constitution Court will have to deliberate this case," he added.
Banharn Silapa-archa and his daughter Karnjana Silapa-archa of
the Chart Thai Party have been found to own Bt80 million-Bt90 million
worth of Siam City Cement stocks. The firm produces cement with
concessions from the government.
Other big-time politicians include Khunyin Kalaya Sophonpanich,
who holds stocks in Siam Cement; Somkiat Chanthavanic in Thai Oil, Siam
Cement, Nation Multimedia, PTT and PTT Exploration & Production;
and Ong-art Khlamphaiboon in Thai Oil.
The case of Suthep and other politicians is similar to what Chai
Chidchob, the House Speaker, is now facing. Chai and his wife La-ong
are found to own stocks in a company that has a concession with the
Reungkrai Leekijwatana, a senator, who has filed a complaint against Chai, said Suthep's owning of True is also a violation.
"Suthep's stock holding, directly or indirectly, [in True]
violates the Constitution even though he does not have any involvement
in the policy of the company," he said.
List of 28 Democrat Party's MPs allegedly violating constitutional laws concerning shareholding:
1. Suthep Thaugsuban
2. Anucha Burapachaisri
3. Somkiet Chanthawanit
4.Sakoltee Phathayikul
5. Kalaya Sophonpanich
6 Chanin Rungsaeng.
7. Ratchada Thanadireak
8. Ong-art Klampaiboon
9. Sarawuth Aonlamai
10. Theinchai Suwanphen
11.Chanchai Aisarasaenarak
12.Narisa Adithepwarapan
13.Samphan Thongsamak
14.Abichart Sakdised
15. Songkran Jitsuthipakorn
16. Chalermchai Sriaon
17. Kantawan Thansatien
18. Juthi Krileurk
19 Wichai Lomsuthi
20. Juar Rajchasi
21. Winai Saeniem
22.Larbsak Laphalobkij
23.Nipha Pringsulka
24.Phicharnmate Muangmanee
25. Sukhumphan Boriphat
26.Prakob Jirakij
27. Trairong Suwankiri
28. Chalernluk Kebcharb
List of 33 senators allegedly violating constitutional laws concerning shareholding
1. Korbkul Phanjareunwaurakul
2. Kiertikuntrungjai Buranasompob
3. Thanu Kulchon
4. Wirath Phanijchapong
5. Surachai Lienboonlertchai
6. Jirawat Kulawanij
7. Phichet Suntornphipith
8. Lertrath Rathanawanij
9.Thawoorn Leenutapong
10. Boonchai Chockwathana
11. Phichai Authamaphinan
12. Warin Tiemjaras
13. Aurai Kunananthakul
14. Kerk Kanlayanamitr
15. Thasana Boonthong
16. Pornphan Boonyaratphan
17. Somchai Sawaengkarn
18. Thippawan Samutharaks
19. Warawuth Rojanaphanij
20. Surapong Thansrithanakul
21. Sithisak Yongtrakul
22. Mongkol Srikhamhaeng
23. Choochai Leartphong
24. Suphot Leirdprathom
25. Phongaek Abirak
26. Phikukkaew Krairuek
27. Prawath Thongsonboon
28. Jaran Juengrungreungkij
29. Suraphong Thansrithanakul
30. Manoch Kraiwong
31. Kowith Phakdeephome
32. Nareumon Siriwath
33. Phontip Janrathpreecha
Thailand's rich get richer: Forbes
Thailand's rich get richer: Forbes
Despite the political and economic
uncertainties, Thailand's 40 richest people have proved to be a stable
lot as old names remain on Forbes' 2008 list and some have even become
Chaleo Yoovidhya, with a net worth of US$4 billion (Bt135 billion),
returns to the No 1 spot - up $500 million from last year - thanks to
strong global sales of his Red Bull energy drink.
runner-up again is beer brewer Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi, up $600
million. They are two of eight tycoons who made most of their fortune
in food and beverages, more than any other industry.
Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra also saw his fortune rise by about $100 million.
said these names remained perhaps because the list was dominated by
businesses set up decades ago, or perhaps because the same families had
run the enterprises for so long, there had been little change.
All 40 appeared on the list in 2007 or 2006, or have taken the place of rel-atives who were listed previously.
Chaleo and Charoen are also first-generation entrepreneurs who still hold the bulk of their wealth.
More com-monplace are families whose wealth is now in the hands of the founders' wives, children or grandchildren.
this year grouped together relatives who derived their wealth from the
same person or company. The three Thai Rath newspaper heirs who last
appeared as individuals are now listed together under the mother,
Combining family fortunes helped boost the top 40's total worth by $6 billion to $25 billion.
The survey is based on June 26 stock prices and exchange rates.
Forbes estimated the worth of pri-vately-held companies by figuring out what they could be worth if public.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Any Govt would have done it: Samak
Minister Samak Sundaravej said Sunday that any government would have
had done the same thing with what his administration has done in
endorsing Cambodia's registration of Preah Vihear a world heritage site.
said had the post-coup interim government remained in office, it would
have done the same thing with what his government had done regarding
the Preah Vihear listing.
Speaking during his live talk programme, Samak said had the Democrat won the election, it would have also done the same thing.
said Cambodia would seek to register Preah Vihear with our without Thai
endorsement and it could have caused more damages had the World
Heritage Committee approved the registration of the disputed
overlapping land as part of the world heritage site.
prime minster said his government endorsed the registration after
Cambodia agreed to register only the temple not the surrounding
He said his government was not the one to
initiate the preparations for the endorsement of the joint communiqu้
of the two countries in support of the Preah Vihear listing.
He said the Foreign Ministry handled the issue with backing from the military and National Security Council.
said the Foreign Ministry's Treaties and Legal Affairs Department had
studied the issue and became certain that Thailand would not lose any
part of its territory because of the joint statement.
said the Supreme Command's Royal Thai Survey and the NSC also backed up
the opinion of the Treaties and Legal Affairs Department.
added his government was facing all the trouble regarding to the Preah
Vihear issue because of the Constitution which was written with a
motive get rid of politicians of the People Power Party's side.
his Talk Samak Style programme, Samak particularly cited Article 190's
section paragraph, which the government's opponents cited to seek a
Constitution Court's ruling against the Cabinet's resolution to endorse
Cambodia's registration of Preah Vihear as a world heritage site.
He said the second paragraph should not have been included.
The government's opponents later cited the court ruling to seek an impeachment against his Cabinet.
second paragraph of Article 190 says: "A treaty which provides for a
change in the Thai territories or extraterrotorial areas over which
Thailand has sovereign rights or has jurisdiction in accordance
therewith or in accordance with international law or requires the
enactment of an Act for the implementation thereof or has extensive
impacts on national economic or social security or generates material
commitments in trade, investment or budgets of the country, must be
approved by the National Assembly. For this purpose, the National
Assembly shall complete its consideration within sixty days as from the
receipt of such matter."
Labels: Politics, PREAH VIHEAR, Samak
Samak denies irregularities in BMA flood-easing tunnel project
Samak denies irregularities in BMA flood-easing tunnel project
Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Sunday denied that there were
irregularities in a flood-easing tunnel project commenced when he was
governor of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
was reacting to reports that an executive of a Japanese construction
firm had admitted to Japanese prosecutor that he had paid a bribe to
Thai officials in return for favours connected to the tunnel project.
said he did not explain the issue during the week because he did not
trust the Thai media so he waited to give the explanation during his
live talk programme.
He said the project had been ruled by the
Administrative Court as being transparent after a Thai construction
firm sued the BMA and Japanese firm as violating the law against
collusion to win government's projects.
Samak said the BMA also managed to negotiate for reduction of the construction cost so there were no bribery in the project.
Labels: Corruption, Politics, Samak
Vaccination casualty
Vaccination casualty
A two-month-old girl has died after being vaccinated at a state clinic.
Sunisa Chamjaeng became ill last Thursday after being taken to the
Uttaradit clinic for polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis and
tetanus vaccinations.
says his daughter and her mother attended the Ban Moh healthcare unit
and the child fell ill later at home with fever. She later fell into a
coma and stopped breathing.
The child was taken to nearby Pichai Hospital, but she died of pulmonary oedema before admission.
says his daughter was healthy until visiting the clinic. "I don't want
to blame anybody. All I want is the truth about what happened to my
Labels: Public health
Monday, July 7, 2008
Chaiya fined Bt25,000 for contempt of court
Chaiya fined Bt25,000 for contempt of court
The Administrative Court found Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsup guilty of contempt of count and fined himi Bt25,000.
earlier criticised the court for issuing an injunction against Chaiya's
order to appoint a new board of directors for the Government
Pharmaceutical Organisation.
Japanese contractor allegedly bribes Thai officials
A former executive of Nishimatsu Construction Co. has told Japanese
prosecutors that the Japanese general contractor paid more than 400
million yen or Bt125 million in 2003 to Thai government officials.
Kyodo News Agency reported Monday.
The alleged bribes were in return for ''favors'' connected to the
award of a tunnel project of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in
Incumbent Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was Bangkok governor at that time.
The former executive of the major Japanese general contractor is
being probed by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office for
allegedly violating the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law for
importing in around 100 million yen from overseas without reporting it
to customs, the sources said.
In September 2003, a partnership Nishimatsu Construction and a
local general contractor was awarded a project ordered by the BMA to
build a tunnel to ease flooding.
The project was worth around 6 billion yen, according to the administration.
Local staff of Nishimatsu in Thailand allegedly prepared bribes
after consulting executives of Nishimatsu's Thai partner, the sources
said. The payments were apparently made to Thai government officials
and officials overseeing overseeing bids for the project just before
and after the project was awarded.
The Nishimatsu executive claims he was not directly involved in
bribing the officials but ''in return for favors to secure the tunnel
construction project, the company paid a total of more than 400 million
yen to Thai government officials,'' the sources said.
''Such operational funds were necessary in order to be awarded public works projects in Thailand,'' he was quoted as saying.
Kyodo news agency said the prosecutors searched Nishimatsu's
head office in Tokyo's Minato Ward in early June in connection with the
former executive's suspected violation of the foreign exchange law. The
prosecutors suspect that the 100 million yen he brought into Japan was
part of a slush fund.
The prosecutors are also conducting investigations into Pacific
Consultants International, a major Japanese construction consultancy,
in connection with a case of suspected bribery in Vietnam related to a
project funded by official development assistance from the Japanese
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
WIMBLEDON, Packing a punch
Packing a punch
Venus serves thunderbolts to end Tamarine's dream run in quarters
Williams downed the 31-year-old Tamarine 6-4 6-3 on Court 1 to extend her career record over the Thai player
to 7-0.
The seventh-seeded American, who has not dropped a set all tournament, was limping slightly at the end of the match with a hamstring problem.
Feeling a little pain
"It feels a little bit tight," she said. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I can deal with it."
The Williams sisters are in opposite halves of the draw and could meet in Saturday's final. The two have been twice before in the Wimbledon final, with Serena winning both in 2003 and '04.
"That would be amazing if we both were in the final," Venus said. "I have to take it one more step and keep playing power tennis."
The 60th-ranked Tamarine, playing in her first Grand Slam quarter-final, pushed Williams as hard as she could but did not have enough energy to cope with her power game.
Williams served eight aces and had one serve at 204kph, while Tamarine had no aces and had an average first-serve speed of just 145kph.
Tamarine fashioned 10 break points, but converted only once. The key game was the sixth of the first set, when Williams saved six break points - mostly on Tamarine errors - and finished with a 203kph service winner to hold for 4-2.
With top seed Ana Ivanovic and No 3 Maria Sharapova eliminated last week, none of the top four seeded women reached the quarter-finals - the first time that has happened at Wimbledon and also the first time at any Grand Slam tournament in the 40-year history of the Open era.
The men's quarter-finals are set for today, with five-time champion Roger Federer and two-time runner-up Rafael Nadal seemingly headed toward a third straight championship showdown.
PTTEP signs deal to drill for gas in gulf of Mataban
PTTEP signs deal to drill for gas in gulf of Mataban
PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) has signed a heads of agreement (HoA) with Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, paving the way for the drilling and supply of natural gas from offshore Block 9 to PTT, which could entail an investment of US$2 billion (Bt67 billion).
Under the HoA, a non-binding document outlining the main issues relevant to a tentative partnership, PTTEP's wholly owned subsidiary PTTEP International would drill natural gas from Block 9, so-called M9, in the Gulf of Mataban, Burma.
"This contract is of mutual interest and vital for Thailand's gas sourcing in response to increasing gas demand and an attempt to establish long-term energy security," said Energy Minister Poonpirom Liptapanlop.
The Energy Ministry estimated that Thailand's gas demand would expand from 3,600 million cubic feet per day (mcfpd) to 5,350 mcfpd in 2012 and over 7,300 mcfpd in 2021.
The signing marks two years of negotiation for Block 9 exploration. Under the HoA, average sales volume of natural gas from M9 will be 300 mcfpd. Around 240 mcfpd will be exported to Thailand and 60 mcfpd supplied to Burma. The gas price will be based on the existing price under the current Gas Sales Agreement between Burma and Thailand.
The conditions in the HoA will be the essence of the Gas Sales Agreement, expected to be concluded this year.
Thanatthep Chantakarn, an analyst at Bualuang Securities, said the M9 project would require an investment of around US$2 billion for the drilling and pipeline. The work is expected to be complete in the next three years and the company will start to realise revenue in 2012.
He also said that PTTEP told securities houses recently that it may seek partners for the subsidiary as the investment in the M9 project is huge. This could lead to a share dilution in PTT International.
"As the additional gas will be supplied to PTT, this will allow PTT to maintain retail gas prices in the future," he said.
Kitichan Sirisukarcha, an analyst at Kim Eng Securities (Thailand), said PTTEP would not realise revenue from the new investment until 2012.
By Sucheera Pinijparakarn
The Nation
"You're a traitor" : Foreign minister told
"You're a traitor" : Foreign minister told
Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama came under verbal assault from a marathon runner who called him a "traitor" just has he was taking off from the starting block.
Noppadon was standing next to US Ambassador Eric John at the starting point of the race, witnesses said. The two men co-chaired the opening ceremony of the marathon commemorating the 35th anniversary celebration of the Thai-US relationship.According to witnesses, the runner shouted "Noppadon, you're a traitor" three time as he ran pass the minister.
The embarassed minister reportedly told Ambassador John, "This can happen in the democratic system."
Noppadon and the government have been strongly criticised by the opposition and the protesters led by People's Alliance for Democracy of having hidden agenda in endorsing Cambodia's bid to list Preah Vihear Temple as a Unesco Heritage Site.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thaksin denies involvement in lawyer's bribery case
Thaksin denies involvement in lawyer's bribery case
BANGKOK, June 26 (Xinhua) -- Thailand's ousted Premier Thaksin Shinawatra denied involvement in an attempted bribery case in which three lawyers working on his corruption charge had been convicted for sending a cash-filled pastry box to court officials.
Thaksin's personal spokesman Pongthep Thepkanchana on Thursday read a statement on behalf of the ex-premier at a press conference, which said Thaksin feels sorry that his lawyers were found guilty of contempt of court and were each sentenced to six month jail term by the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
The press conference took place Thursday afternoon at the 111 Foundation, set up by the 111 former executives of the now dissolved Thai Rak Thai Party founded by Thaksin.
The trio -- lawyer Pichit Chuenban, his assistants Suppasri Srisawasdi and Thana Tansiri represented Thaksin and his wife Pojaman in a case in which the ex-premier was charged of abusing power to help his wife purchase a Bangkok downtown land plot in a government audition in 2003.
In his statement, Thaksin insisted on his innocence in the case, vowing to fight the case under the justice system.
Earlier reports about the "Pastry Gate" incident, as branded by local media, gained much spotlight in the country, as it was revealed that a lawyer, then referred to as one who worked for some former politician, on June 10 walked into the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders, filed a writ and handed a pastry box containing 2 million baht (about 61,000 U.S. dollars) in cash to court officials.
The trio on the day concerned were present at the Court to hand legal documents about Thaksin's case, but Pichit had earlier denied his involvement.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday handed down the verdict, which convicted the three of violating the court's authority. The verdict could not be appealed.
Pichit and Suppasri (female) were arrested immediately, while the other convicted Thana was absent from Wednesday's trial and still at large by now, as the Court has issued an arrest warrant for him.
The Court has also sought criminal charges of attempted bribery against the three lawyers with the police on Thursday.
Opposition Democrat party spokesman Ong-art Klampaiboon has called on the government to assign the National Counter Corruption Commission to trace where the lawyers get the money from.
My Take: Thaksin had a history of concealing assets before he became PM by transfering his assets to his servants. Majority of court panel ruled out 9 to 8 it was unintentional. Was money involved then?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thaksin's Lawyers in "Pastry Gate" sentenced to jail
Thaksin's Lawyers in "Pastry Gate" sentenced to jail
The Supreme Court sentenced to six months in jail a legal team of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra over what is called "the Pastry Gate," in which a supreme court official was given a pastry box filled with Bt2 million in cash.
The team members who each face six months in jail for violating the court's authority are lawyer Pichit Chuenban, coordinator Thana Tansiri and clerk Supasri Srisawat.Pichit is lawyer of Thaksin on the case that he is alleged of abusing of power in purchasing a plot of land in Ratchadapisek area.
Supreme Court Vice President Mongkol Thapthiang, who heads a panel comprising Supreme Court judge Weeraphol Tangsuwan and Issaret Chairat, investigating the case, said Wednesday the panel found the three guilty of the charge.
"The action by the three shows the intention to persuade court officials to commit wrongdoing," the judge said.
"This action is serious and the court sentences each to six months in jail," it said.
Another man, Thana Tansiri, alleged to have delivered the parcel, failed to appear in court and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Further legal action on a separate charge of criminal bribery is expected.
The incident is considered grave because it was happened in the high court of the country. Any lawyer who is convicted of the charge cannot cannot work as a lawyer in any court again. The Law Society of Thailand will also have to take legal action against the lawyers.
Earlier reports said that a lawyer who used to represent a politician walked into the office of the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders, which handles the administrative affairs for the graft tribunal, a special court for corruption, early June.
The lawyer filed a writ and then handed a bag of pastries to court officials. A clerk looked into the bag and noticed the cash. He then asked the lawyer about the money. The reply was: "Divide the money up among yourselves."
The officials were utterly shocked by the incident. As they were trying to alert their superiors and supervising judges, a senior judge happened to pass by the room and asked what had happened.
After hearing the incident, the senior judge instructed that the money be counted and photographed. The cash was returned to the lawyer, who was present throughout the checking process.
The photograph was considered sufficient evidence for a bribery case. The cash was returned in order to dispel a counter argument that money already changed hands.
Earlier Pichit denied he was the lawyer who tried to bribe court officials by offering a box of pastries containing Bt2 million in cash.
"Our team of lawyers was not involved in the attempt to influence the panel of judges. We feel the Supreme Court will give us justice," Pichit said.
"We don't need to do that. It was not even in our thoughts. I'm confident the fact-finding panel will find out [the truth] about the attempted-bribery allegation," he said.
Pichit admitted that he and other lawyers had gone to the court on Tuesday, having been assigned by Thaksin and his wife, Pojaman, to file a request to report to the Supreme Court. He said they were there no longer than 30 minutes and did not take any gifts for court officials.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
POLITICAL CRISIS,Point of no return: Anand
Point of no return: Anand
Ex-prime minister says PAD, rivals are irreconcilable; rejects idea for mediation effort by ex-premiers
Former prime minister Anand Panyarachun believes Thai politics has become so polarised that it is beyond reconciliation.
He also played down the idea of having four former prime ministers act as mediators to defuse the political conflict.
Speaking at the Royal Navy Auditorium yesterday after presiding over a seminar on public television, Anand said he was very concerned about the situation because there were two opposing forces who did not seem able to reach reconciliation.
"Every society has differences [in ideas]. But there must be some grounds to work out the differences so that it will not lead to physical violence. At present, Thai politics is clearly divided into two. And I think it has reached a point beyond reconciliation," Anand said.
The People's Alliance for Democracy has continued its street demonstration for the second week. It initially set forth its demand that the government must not amend the 2007 Constitution to help bail out former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra from his corruption cases. Now it has added another condition - for the Samak government to resign altogether because it is acting as a nominee for Thaksin and it has failed to tackle the problems of the country.
Thaksin's supporters have also been hitting back at the PAD in a tit-for-tat political battle that has created an atmosphere of instability and spooked investors.
Anand said both sides could not reach any mutual understanding because they were not speaking the same language. When one party raises one point, the other party answers another question.
"They not only need to speak the same language but also the same subject in order to reach an understanding. If they keep on speaking against each other, they will never be able to achieve reconciliation," Anand said.
Respected social critic Dr Praves Wasi suggested that one way to defuse the political conflict is for four former prime ministers to act as mediators between the two sides. This, he said, would help resolve the conflict.
But Anand said mediators could not speak on anybody's behalf and that at best they could only facilitate talks.
"Now I am getting old. I need to have a rest. Let's get the young men and women to do the job," Anand said.
Speaking on his weekly radio talk show, Samak opposed the idea to have four former premiers act as mediators.
"If you bring four former prime ministers to join a talk, what then can they do?" Samak said.
"They can't issue orders. They can only talk. But what happens after that? Under the current situation, the present prime minister, which is me, is assuming responsibility. If there is any mistake, we all can see. And is there any mistake? No, there is not. I am not working alone. I work as a team with 35 other Cabinet members."
The Nation
Supreme Court president orders probe into report that Bt2 million given to court officials
Supreme Court president orders probe into report that Bt2 million given to court officials
Supreme Court President Wiraj Limwichai has ordered an investigation into a report that a lawyer put Bt2 million in a candy box and gave it to certain officials of the Supreme Court.
Sarawut Benjakul, deputy secretary-general of the Justice Affairs Office, said Wednesday that Wiraj appointed a committee of three judges to investigate the report.
Sarawut said he learnt that the court officials had returned the money to the lawyer.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
รัฐเร่งเช่ารถเมล์ NGV 6 พันคันฟื้นขสมก. เล็งใช้ตั๋วราคาถูกเริ่มต้น 15 บาท
"สมัคร" เปิดทางให้ ขสมก. ฟื้นฟูกิจการ สั่งเร่งจัดหารถเมล์ NGV 6,000 คันวิ่งให้บริการแทนรถเมล์ใช้น้ำมันดีเซล ด้านคมนาคมเตรียมชงฝเรื่องเข้า ครม. อนุมัติแผน 10 มิ.ย.นี้ "สันติ" คาด มี.ค.2552 ได้ใช้ล็อตแรก 3,000 คัน จากนั้นอีก 4 เดือนจะได้ใช้ครบทั้งหมด 6,000 คัน เตรียมใช้ตั๋ว E-ticket เก็บค่าโดยสารราคาถูก เริ่มต้นที่ 15 บาท เชื่อปี 2553 เริ่มมีกำไร หลังดึงช่วยรับภาระดอกเบี้ยกว่า 2,000 ล้าน/ปี แทน พร้อมหามาตรการเยียวยารถร่วมเอกชนด้วย
นายสันติ พร้อมพัฒน์ รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงคมนาคม กล่าวภายหลังการประชุม คณะกรรมการพัฒนาระบบขนส่งทางรางและระบบขนส่งมวลชน ที่มีนายสมัคร สุนทรเวช นายกรัฐมนตรี เป็นประธาน เมื่อวันที่ 2 มิถุนายน ที่ผ่านมา ว่าที่ประชุมมีมติเห็นชอบแผนฟื้นฟูกิจการองค์การขนส่งมวลชนกรุงเทพ (ขสมก.) แล้ว โดยมีรายละเอียดที่สำคัญ คือ ให้ ขสมก.จัดหารถที่ใช้ก๊าซ NGV เป็นเชื้อเพลิง จำนวน 6,000 คัน ด้วยวิธีการเช่า ซึ่งจากนี้ไป ขสมก.ต้องไปดำเนินการตามระเบียบพัสดุ
ทั้งนี้ คาดว่าการเปิดประมูลเช่ารถเมล์ NGV จะเสร็จสิ้นและ ได้เอกชนผู้ให้เช่าประมาณเดือนกันยายนนี้ จากนั้นอีก 6 เดือน ขสมก.จะได้รับมอบรถส่วนแรก จำนวน 3,000 คัน หลังจากนั้นอีกประมาณ 4 เดือน จะได้รับมอบรถส่วนที่เหลืออีก 3,000 คัน ซึ่งรถเมล์ NGV ที่ขสมก. เช่าใหม่นี้จะติดระบบตั๋วโดยสารอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ หรือ E-ticket
โดยระบบตั๋วโดยสารอิเล็กทรอนิกส์นั้น จะมีทั้งแบบรายวัน ซึ่งจะคิดราคาเริ่มต้นสำหรับการเดินทางเที่ยวเดียว 15 บาท แต่ถ้ามากว่า 1 เที่ยวต่อวัน จะจ่ายค่าโดยสารในราคาแค่ 30 บาท ส่วนรายสัปดาห์ จะคิดค่าโดยสารในราคา 150 บาท ขณะที่รายเดือนจะคิดค่าโดยสารในราคา 900 บาท ส่วนผู้พิการและคนชราจะได้รับส่วนลด 50% ขณะเดียวกันก็จะมีส่วนลดพิเศษสำหรับนักเรียน-นักศึกษาด้วย โดยคาดว่าหาก ขสมก. ดำเนินการได้ตามแผนที่กล่าวมาข้างต้น ขสมก.จะเริ่มมีกำไรประมาณ 500 ล้านบาทได้ภายในปี 2553
รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงคมนาคม กล่าวต่ออีกว่า สำหรับภาระหนี้ ที่ ขสมก. มีอยู่ 69,000 ล้านบาทนั้น คณะกรรมการ มีมติว่าให้พักการชำระหนี้ไว้ก่อน โดยจะให้กระทรวงการคลังรับภาระดอกเบี้ยปีละกว่า 2,000 ล้านบาทแทน ขสมก. เพราะถือว่าภาระหนี้นี้เกิดจากการที่ ขสมก.ตรึงค่าโดยสารไว้ เพื่อลดผลกระทบให้แก่ประชาชน ทั้งนี้ กระทรวงคมนาคม จะเสนอแผนฟื้นฟูกิจการ ขสมก. เข้าสู่การพิจารณาในที่ประชุมคณะรัฐมนตรี (ครม.) วันที่ 10 มิถุนายนนี้"ประมาณเดือนมีนาคมปีหน้าเราจะมีรถเมล์ NGV ให้บริการล็อตแรก 3,000 คัน โดยแผนนี้รัฐบาลไม่ต้องรับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่ายหรือให้งบประมาณแก่ ขสมก. เลย เพราะเขาจะใช้รายได้ของตัวเองมาจ่ายค่าเช่า ซึ่งเราประเมินไว้ว่า ขสมก.จะเริ่มมีกำไรในปี 2553 ประมาณ 500 ล้านบาท ก็จะแบ่งตรงนี้มาจ่ายค่าเช่ารถ และชำระหนี้อีกกว่า 69,000 ล้านบาท ซึ่งภาระหนี้จะลดลงเรื่อยๆ ทุกปี เนื่องจากกระทรวงการคลังจะรับภาระดอกเบี้ยให้" นายสันติ กล่าว
นายสันติ กล่าวเพิ่มเติมด้วยว่า หลังจากได้รับรถใหม่ 6,000 คันแล้ว ขสมก.จะนำรถเก่ามาเปิดประมูล โดยให้สิทธิ์องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นก่อน เพื่อนำรถไปใช้ประโยชน์ เช่น รับ-ส่งนักเรียน จากนั้นจึงจะให้สิทธิ์เอกชนทั่วไปเข้าประมูลแข่งขัน เพื่อนำไปใช้ประโยชน์ต่อไป
สำหรับรถร่วมบริการ ขสมก.นั้น จะไม่มีการยกเลิกสัญญาสัมปทานโดยเด็ดขาด แต่จะใช้วิธีเยียวยาผู้ประกอบการ โดยขณะนี้กระทรวงคมนาคม กำลังประสานกับกระทรวงพลังงาน เพื่อขอเงินจากกองทุนอนุรักษ์พลังงานประมาณ 9,000 ล้านบาท มาให้เอกชนกู้ยืม เพื่อใช้ปรับปรุงคุณภาพรถ โดยรัฐจะไม่บังคับว่าต้องปรับเป็นรถ NGV หรือ ต้องใช้ระบบ E-ticket แต่จะให้ดำเนิน การด้วยความสมัครใจ
"เราต้องดูแลคนทุกระดับในสังคม อย่างรถร่วมบริการเราถือว่า เขามีส่วนช่วยเหลือสังคมมากเช่นกัน และก็ต้องเข้าใจว่าการประกอบกิจการ ต้องมีรายได้มีกำไร การที่เขามาขอขึ้นค่าโดยสารถือเป็นเรื่องจำเป็นมีเหตุมีผล เพราะราคาน้ำมันเพิ่มสูงขึ้นมาก และเขามีภาระหนี้ มีครอบครัวต้องเลี้ยงดู อีกอย่างถ้าหากไปยึดสัมปทานคืนหมด เดี๋ยวขสมก.จะได้ใจ เราจึงคิดว่าใช้วิธีเยียวยารถร่วมบริการเพื่อให้เขามาเดินรถแข่งกับขสมก.จะดีกว่า" รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงคมนาคม กล่าว
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thaksin: I Want Ronaldinho's Magic
Thaksin: I Want Ronaldinho's Magic
Manchester City owner Thaksin Shinawatra has revealed his desire to secure the signing of Barcelona superstar Ronaldinho…
The Brazilian is heavily rumoured to be on his way out of Camp Nou this summer, having been linked consistently with a move to AC Milan.The Rossoneri have turned their interest elsewhere though, clearing the path for City to make a move for the two-time FIFA World Player of the Year.
New manager Mark Hughes is reportedly keen to proceed with the deal, and Thaksin is thrilled at the prospect of landing one of the biggest names in football.
"Ronaldinho - you know, he is a great player," he told the Daily Mail. "Whatever the club in your heart, you would want to see this player in England, wouldn't you?"
Asked about the cash involved, Thaksin added: "It is not a risk. Sponsors will contribute. It will not damage our wage structure. Garry (Cook) and Pairoj, my chief advisor, they are taking care of this transfer. I am very excited.
"I am 59 next birthday, so I am not a man who can wait for many years to see my dreams come true."
After a disappointing and injury-riddled season at Barca, many have questioned whether Ronaldinho possesses the desire to regain his best form and fitness.
But Thaksin is convinced the former Gremio man needs nothing more than a change of scene to recapture his peak performance.
"Ronaldinho is 28," he said. "He has much still to offer, he is a star. You need a combination of new players, existing players, quality, young and old.
"I admit also you need a player who is more than just winning the match. You need a star who can play on the pitch, but who can achieve much more for the club. Ronaldinho is that player.
"I am hearing good things about his hunger. I have spoken to his brother (his agent). Ronaldinho wants the new challenge, the chance to play his best football again, to return to the days when he was really, really famous. The magic is still in his boots. Let us hope we can bring him."
My Take: Either Thaksin's trying to get media attention after bad bublicity about Swen or this is for real.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thai protesters defy PM's warning
Thai protesters defy PM's warning
Thousands of people have demonstrated in Bangkok, defying warnings of a crackdown issued by Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.
Riot police were deployed, but the authorities did not carry out the PM's threats, saying force would not be used as long as the protest was peaceful.
Opposition activists accuse Mr Samak of changing the constitution to protect his predecessor, Thaksin Shinawatra.
Reports say the instability coincides with rumours of an imminent coup.
The demonstration was led by the People's Alliance for Democracy, the group which led mass protests in 2006 that led to the military coup that ousted Mr Thaksin.
On Saturday, some protesters wore helmets and masks, apparently to protect themselves in case tear gas was used.
There has been heightened political tension and demonstrations in recent weeks over the government's plans to revise the military-drafted constitution.
The opposition says Mr Samak is a close ally of Mr Thaksin, who they believe has a hidden, anti-monarchy agenda.
It says Mr Samak is trying to change the military-backed constitution to hold on to power and to prevent Mr Thaksin from facing corruption-related charges.
On Friday, a Thai cabinet minister accused of insulting the king - which is taken very seriously in Thailand, where the king is a revered figure - announced his resignation in an attempt to calm political tensions.
Jakrapob Penkair, who will be charged next week, strongly denies insulting the king, but said he was stepping down to end rumours of a military coup which were prompted by the allegations.
Thailand May Use Force to End Protest, Samak Says
Thailand May Use Force to End Protest, Samak Says
By Rattaphol Onsanit
May 31 (Bloomberg) -- Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said he may use force to end an anti-government protest near his office that has lasted almost a week.
About 1,500 protesters are gathered close to Samak's office and the residence of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, according to Surapol Thuanthong, a deputy police spokesman in Bangkok. The demonstration, which swelled to as many as 10,000 yesterday, helped spur the biggest decline in the nation's stock market this week in almost 10 months on concern it will deter overseas investors and damp economic growth.
``I must take you away from that area,'' Samak said in a live television broadcast on state-controlled NBT today. ``I have police and military forces ready.''
The demonstrators are being led by the People's Alliance for Democracy, an activist group that spearheaded protests contributing to the overthrow of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006. PAD leaders last night said they would maintain the demonstration until Samak steps down.
The military ousted Thaksin in a bloodless coup two years ago, claiming it acted to prevent a violent clash between the anti-government protesters and Thaksin's supporters. The benchmark SET Index fell 4.8 percent this week, the sharpest decline since August.
Another Coup
The army cannot rule out another coup, which would be the 19th since the nation's absolute monarchy ended in 1932, Supreme Military Commander Boonsrang Niumpradi said May 29.
The PAD claims Samak is a proxy for Thaksin, who pledged to stay out of politics following his overthrow. Samak's People's Power Party, which won a national election in December, includes politicians from Thaksin's now-dissolved Thai Rak Thai Party.
``My government is not a puppet government,'' Samak said. ``We are a government serving the King.''
The 80-year-old monarch is revered as a symbol of stability in the nation of 66 million people, many of whom have his portrait in their homes.
The protest gained momentum this week after police said it will charge Cabinet member Jakrapob Penkair, who headed Samak's office, for insulting the King in a speech he made last year before joining the government. Jakrapob announced his resignation yesterday.
``We will continue to protest until the government gets out,'' Parnthep Pourpongpan, a protest organizer, said last night. ``The people agreed to purge the government.''
The PAD began the demonstration to oppose constitutional changes that might prevent the ruling party from being disbanded. Organizers have since listed other reasons for their gathering, including threats to the monarchy and high fuel prices.
``The only way the People's Alliance can destabilize the government is to create conditions under which extra- constitutional intervention can take place,'' said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. ``It appears they are going in that direction.''
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) finally arrives
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) finally arrives
Thailand, OLPC is finally here. Much talk about then, finally arrive. Not much for the detail of how government distributes the laptop or how many they've received, but the picture shown like the students who receives the laptop are in a quite good school, not a school in the rural area.
Picture Credit:
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) finally arrives
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) finally arrives
Thailand, OLPC is finally here. Much talk about then, finally arrive. Not much for the detail of how government distributes the laptop or how many they've received, but the picture shown like the students who receives the laptop are in a quite good school, not a school in the rural area.
Picture Credit:
Chart Thai calls for Jakrapob removal
Chart Thai calls for Jakrapob removal
A Chart Thai MP circulated an open letter on Wednesday calling on Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to sack PM's Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair and suspend a referendum on charter rewrite.
"The country's stability is above that of the government's, bearing in mind that everyone is obliged to uphold the monarchy, a most revered institution throughout Thai history," Natthawut Prasertsuwan said in his letter addressed to the prime minister.
Even though the judicial process involving Jakrapob has not been concluded, his actions have offended the people's sensitivities, Nattahwut said.
He urged Samak either to demand Jakrapob's resignation or to dismiss him.
Jakrapob should quit in order to pave way for clearing his name as an individual instead of dragging the government to get involved in his controversy, he said.
Regarding the issue of charter rewrite, the prime minister has pledged to forge national reconciliation and has no justification to rush the charter amendments at this juncture, he said.
He urged the government to reallocate Bt2 billion earmarked for the planned referendum for other spending plans.
Instead of squandering on the referendum, the government can build about 1,000 school buildings, at the cost of Bt2 million each, or distribute 16.6 million bags of "blue flag" rice to the underprivileged, at the cost of Bt120 each.
Commenting on Natthawut's move, Chart Thai Party MP Warawut Silapaarcha said his father and party leader Banharn Silapaarcha did not give the green light to the letter.
"My father was informed about Natthawut's letter some 20 miniutes ago," Warawut said.
He said Banharn will likely suffer a "political headache" when trying to resolve the trouble stirred up by Natthawut.